Travel through Brazilian cooperativism


Local Operator



At Central Plateau of Brazil, Brasília is a reference for its monuments, beauty and shape. The architectonical traces and the curves of the city made the capital of the country a monumental city, heritage of humanity. Characterized by its wide avenues and its wide spaces, the city is peculiar for being the center of the Nation's decisions. Besides the political activities and the concentration of the concentration of the public power, Brasília lives daily with the strength of the cooperatives. At the heart of the capital is located the headquarters of Brazilian cooperatives, the OCB System. The city also counts with over than eighty cooperatives, distributed in thirteen fields. Among those fields is the credit cooperative, which gathers single cooperates, central cooperates, banks and confederations, generating thousands of jobs and opportunities for hundreds of region families.


Sicoob Brasília
Sicoob Planalto Central
Sicoob Confederação
Sistema OCB


We are in the process of selection

The RTC Brazil Program will involve 10 cooperatives in sector of Tourism and Leisure. These cooperatives will be responsible for the management and operation of the programs of the scripts in their respective regions. Currently, the System-OCDF Sescoop, responsible for the implementation of the program, is performing a selection of these operators. Please wait for further information.

Credit Roadmap – Central West Region

Brazilian Roadmaps

Brazilian Cooperative System

Cooperative System of Distrito Federal