Travel through Brazilian cooperativism


The OCB System is composed by: Organization of Brazilian Cooperatives (OCB), National Confederation of Cooperatives (CNCOOP) and National Cooperative Learning Service  (SECOOP).


The OCB is a private entity that represents formal and politically the national cooperative. The OCB is responsible for establishing policy guidelines for the Cooperative System in the country, adopted federalism as model role of representation and aggregation, instituting the State Organizations of Cooperatives (OCEs), which cares the same activities of National Unit at the states and districts.


The Sescoop is responsible entity for the development of cooperatives, acting primarily in three areas: teaching of professional formation, organization and social promotion and monitoring and development of the cooperatives.


The Cncoop is a labor union employer entity and legitimate representative of cooperatives in all of its fields of activities. It is nationwide, and coordinates the economical category of the cooperatives, as well as the coordination of regional federations.

Organization of Brazilian Cooperatives

Brazilian Cooperative System

Cooperative System of Distrito Federal