Travel through Brazilian cooperativism


Education is the real wealth of a country. It is the basis for the development of a people. In Limoeiro, a city located in the state of Pernambuco, in northeastern Brazil, education gains excellence with the Third Millennium College. Educational institution recognized for its quality, the college is actually a Cooperative of Educational Workers.


Founded in 1998, the beginning was just a group of pre-university students. In 2000, the College Third Millennium

expanded services and began offering the elementary and high school.


Over the years, the cooperative was improved to achieve superior results. In 2011, it received the merit of the best school of the city and maintains the position of school with the highest score in the region of the Agreste and Mata of Pernambuco. This is the result of the dedication and work of those who put education as a priority for the life of the citizens.

3rd Millennium College

Brazilian Cooperative System

Cooperative System of Distrito Federal