Travel through Brazilian cooperativism


Coffee has always been one of the main products of Brazilian agriculture. The country accounts for about a third of the world's coffee production.


In 2010, there were 2 160 000  hectares planted, of which approximately 80 % were in the southeast in the state of São Paulo, the characteristics of soil and climate are one of the best areas for growing arabica coffee in the world: the region of Alta Mogiana, the location of the coffee Growers and ranchers Cooperative- Cocapec . In its founding in 1985 it had about 300 members, one coffee warehouse with a capacity of 150 bags, one roaster and an administrative building . currently it has over 2000 members in 25 counties .


With a wide operating structure, the storage system of Cocapec has seven bases in the matrix, in the city of Franca, and nuclei in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, with the capacity to store more than one million bags of coffee. All coffee cooperative goes through a rigorous process of classification and tasting, observing the patterns of COB (Brazilian Official Grading ).


Cocapec industrializes 100 tons of coffee per month. The Cocapec also has social responsibility activity such as the School Field Project, which seeks to awaken students in state and municipal education to the need of preserving the environment, aiming toward the conservation of natural resources and food security . Another action taken of Cocapec is the Children's Cooperative Meeting, which aims to educate children with the idea of cooperativism.



Brazilian Cooperative System

Cooperative System of Distrito Federal