Travel through Brazilian cooperativism


Local Operator



Southeastern Brazil has 10% of the cultivated area of the country. The region has a strong potential for the agricultural sector and stands out mainly by growing crops like coffee, oranges, and sugar cane. The soils are fertile and coffee plantations enrich the region's economy and the development of the country! in the state of São Paulo, there are 931 cooperatives, 123 in the agricultural segment. In this scenario, the cooperativism stands out with high technical standards and productivity, serving thousands of cooperatives and making it an ever more important for the development of the country. In southeastern Brazil, cooperativism unites tradition and modernity. Amid the historic plantations dating back to the Empire of Brazil, cooperatives stand out using modern production technologies and management processes, transforming the reality of the people who make up the cooperative.




We are in the process of selection

The RTC Brazil Program will involve 10 cooperatives in sector of Tourism and Leisure. These cooperatives will be responsible for the management and operation of the programs of the scripts in their respective regions. Currently, the System-OCDF Sescoop, responsible for the implementation of the program, is performing a selection of these operators. Please wait for further information.

Agricultural Roadmap – Southeast Region

Brazilian Roadmaps

Brazilian Cooperative System

Cooperative System of Distrito Federal