Travel through Brazilian cooperativism


Local Operator



Credit unions are the major cooperative systems of Brazil, and the fastest growing. There are one thousand and 47 cooperatives with 4,673,000 members throughout the country, with more than half, 2,300,000 belonging to the Cooperative Credit System, Sicredi. Sicredi is a cooperative system with a full range of financial products and services, and is present in 10 Brazilian states, with 107 credit unions. Many are found in southern Brazil where there are 76 of them.


Sicredi Pioneira
Sicredi Central Sul


We are in the process of selection

The RTC Brazil Program will involve 10 cooperatives in sector of Tourism and Leisure. These cooperatives will be responsible for the management and operation of the programs of the scripts in their respective regions. Currently, the System-OCDF Sescoop, responsible for the implementation of the program, is performing a selection of these operators. Please wait for further information.

Credit Roadmap – South Region

Brazilian Roadmaps

Brazilian Cooperative System

Cooperative System of Distrito Federal